To buy the best cuts of meat, you visit the butcher. To buy the freshest vegetables, you go to the farmers market. Why settle for less from your fish? Buy your Alaskan wild salmon and halibut from the fishermen in Alaska.
They treat your pristine halibut with the same careful consideration they give your Pristine Salmon. When selecting their halibut, they aim for the 25 to 35 lb range. Most processors would laugh at these fish since there is more profit in the 60 lb and up range. However, they believe the best texture and quality is found here. They are very proud of their product, and want it to stand out. Similar to their salmon their halibut must be fresh and spunky. It is immediately bled, cleaned and iced. They sell the majority to processors. Only the best of the best is set aside to bring to their customers!
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Information Assumed Accurate On: Oct 23, 2008