Offers auto, home, life, business, boat, renters, and personal insurance. The Hastings-Bedell Agency was established in 1898 as an independent insurance agency and currently represents several reputable insurance companies including Safeco, Westfield, Auto Owners, Grange and Progressive insurance companies.
What sets them apart from the many other insurance agencies and companies out there? Their product knowledge and willingness to assist you with your claims, combined with their ability to provide you coverage with a quality company at a low rate with excellent service.
With 55 years of combined insurance experience, Dave, Leo and Terry Bedell currently service the insurance needs of nearly 2300 families and 400 businesses in the Summit County and adjacent areas.
The Hastings-Bedell Agency offers you a carefully selected group of financially sound companies, personal agent to customer contact, a comprehensive review and update of your insurance coverage's and the ability to handle smaller claims from their office.
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Information Assumed Accurate On: Oct 11, 2002