As an import wholesaler they leverage their close relationships with overseas manufacturers to offer you a complete line of quality home interior and crafting
products at some of the very lowest wholesale prices. They purchase in bulk, they ship by the container load, they sell direct to you. No importers to take a
cut, no foreign agents to inflate their costs - they deal directly with the factories. This enables them to offer you a higher quality product at true wholesale
Products Include:
? Mosaic Tiles
? Glass Gems & Marbles
? Sea Glass / Beach Glass
? Acrylic Nuggets
? Crystal Nuggets
? Artistic Dyed Stone
? River Stone
? Beads & Cabs
? Mosaic Bases
? Adhesives
? Magnets
? Shadow Box Frames
? Picture Frames
? Scrapbooking
? Glassware & Vases
? Crafting Books
Browse their products on their website, bookmark them, and then compare their prices, quality, and terms with other wholesalers. You'll see for yourself
they stand behind their claims.
Visit Wholesalers USA - Discount Crafting Supplies
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Information Assumed Accurate On: Oct 4, 2006