Offers hand painted blue pottery ceramic cabinet knobs for your kitchen and bathroom cabinets. The online catalog offers over 90 unique cabinet knob designs with custom knob services available for your own unique look.
The pottery craft is known as blue pottery, it is a 200 year ancient craft of Jaipur and originated from Persia. Skilled craftsmen in the Indian city of Jaipur make these knobs. Blue pottery is made from a mixture of quartz stone, green glass, fuller?s earth and banyan tree gum. Once formed, the article is painted with oxide dyes and dipped into clear glaze. Finally, the article is baked in a wood fired kiln.
Add color and elegance to your kitchen and bathroom cabinets with hand painted ceramic cabinet knobs. Ask them about making custom cabinet knob designs for you. You can send them your design and they'll paint it on their knobs so that you kitchen or bath is decorated with your own one of kind artwork.
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