Manufacturer offering artist grade concrete stain and supplies to both the residential and commercial industries. Learn how to stain concrete driveways, patios, and other surfaces with their concrete staining guide. Get help and have your questions answered via the "Ask a Pro" page.
Concrete acid stain is not a topical coat like concrete paint or acrylic stains. It penetrates the surface and chemically stains the concrete surface. Acid Stain is to concrete, as wood stain is to wood. Acid stain promises to give beautiful results while being very simple to use. The cost savings as compared to other flooring products is substantial. It offers extremely low maintenance, along with the allergy friendliness properties. It tends to marbleize the concrete when used on smooth concrete and gives it more of a stone appearance when used on rougher concrete. The mottling and multicolor hues seen in acid stained concrete tends to form naturally as the stain reacts with the randomly dispersed minerals and cements in the concrete's surface.
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Information Assumed Accurate On: Aug 1, 2009