(ARA) - Today's definition of success for women is much different than it
was only a generation ago. They have many more opportunities than the women
who preceded them. This broad range of options often times brings with it an
accelerated lifestyle -- one barraged with work schedules and appointments while
trying to juggle family life and manage a home. In an effort to maintain a healthy
balance among all of these demands, women today are less concerned with status
and material objects, and are individually defining what is personally fulfilling
for them. For many women, this sense of fulfillment and accomplishment is achieved
in the ability to manage both a family and a career.
As a result of trying to "have it all" women are looking for ways
to simplify life as much as possible and are turning to resources like Real
Simple Magazine and HGTV programs Mission Organization and Weekend Warriors
for tips on organization and do-it-yourself home improvement projects. Today's
woman is savvy and smart, and wants her home to reflect efficiency and organization
without sacrificing style and personality.
Plain & Fancy Custom Cabinetry has embraced this desire for simplification
in the home with their latest kitchen concept, Practically Basic. Modern and
practical, amenity-studded yet unassuming, the design incorporates a White Frost
finish against beautifully textured Beech with a Special Cloister door that's
Shaker style. For textural contrast and a light, airy look with symmetry, glass
front panels are used just above the sink and in the island.
No slouch on storage, there are built-in wall cabinets with a taller pantry
stocked with shelving for grains and flour, and three mobile units -- an island
and two armoires. These last three offer various configuration options, each
piece conveniently moving from one spot to the next. The island provides a generous
preparation area, and under-the-counter shelving behind sliding frosted glass
doors. Taking flexibility to a new level the mobile armoires can be used in
the kitchen as a pantry, the bedroom to house clothing, or the bathroom to stock
In keeping with the organic nature of the space, Vermont Soapstone countertops
and Bamtex bamboo flooring complete the picture. Simple and stylish, the Practically
Basic kitchen synthesizes the look and feel of "the basics" and "the
practical," without being austere and bland.
Vince Achey, vice president of Plain & Fancy Custom Cabinetry, said,
"Life has accelerated to such a degree that we look to home as refuge.
It's the one place we can maintain a sense of control and balance. Uncluttered,
organized, unembellished -- these are our watchwords."
To inquire about Plain & Fancy Custom Cabinetry, call (800) 447-9006
or visit www.plainfancycabinetry.com for an authorized Plain & Fancy showroom
nearest you.
Courtesy of ARA Content