A specialized construction firm with over 50 years of combined experience in all facets of construction offering sales, installation, and repair of access and mobility equipment. Their specialty is certified aging in place specialists. They are members of the Auto Lift Dealers Association, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, National Elevator Contractors, as well as the Association of Members of the Accessibility Industry.
Glen started in historical restorations, and has 25 years experience as a General Contractor. He is also a Certified in Aging Specialist (CAPS).
Deanna is an RN and certified case manager with a specialization in Geriatric care and home health, and has over 20 years of experience in nursing; is an expert in community resources for the disabled and aged; and has a BS in Nursing as well as an MBA.
Glen and Deanna believe that the needs of those with mobility issues and challenges are underserved. In choosing 101 Mobility, they can advocate for the Aged and disabled by providing solutions that best fit their needs, and become a mobility resource specialist within the Houston medical community.
They've helped hundreds of clients in virtually every category realize their vision. Customer satisfaction, trust and quality workmanship--these are the building blocks to their success as a construction firm. Glencris Construction is committed to their vision and ideals.
Their mission is to provide their clients (customers) with superior value and the very best in ideas, knowledge, and counseling. They measure are success by having their clients choose them because of their belief in their ability to meet or exceed their expectations of price, service, quality, and expertise.
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Information Assumed Accurate On: Nov 12, 2011